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Inquiries and Permits

Photo, film, or video recordings

Fancy a photo shoot in the tropics or a film shoot in China? You don't have to travel far, just visit Gärten der Welt!

Private shoots

No permission is required for private shoots.

Commercial shootings

Please use the enquiry form for film and photo shoots on the Grün Berlin website. Your details will form the basis for a decision by our park management, who will decide whether to grant permission and the conditions. For commercial filming in the Gardens of the World, a subject agreement must always be concluded with Grün Berlin GmbH. This regulates the fee for use, details of the possibilities of use, insurance, etc.

Any form of commercial publication requires the permission of Grün Berlin GmbH.


Any questions? Feel free to contact us and tell us about your idea!

Eva Pöcksteiner, Projektmanagement Tourismus/Vertrieb - Foto © Ole Bader

Eva Steinmetz

Project Management Tourism/Sales